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English & Humanities

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English and Humanities

Calista McBride, Chair
Phone : 607-587-4183
Administrative Assistant Phone : 607-587-4180
Email :

The English and Humanities Department offers courses in composition, foreign language, fine art, speech, philosophy, and literature for the entire college. Colleges, universities, and large corporations have been increasingly emphasizing the significance of a liberal arts and sciences education in providing a solid foundation upon which careers are built. The liberal arts and sciences: humanities program prepares students for life by stressing the importance of reading, writing, and thinking, while developing in them an appreciation of the arts and of the wisdom of great minds.


Instruct students in written and oral communication and impart an appreciation and understanding of the humanities and their role in the life of human beings living in a diverse world.


The department is housed in the Hunter Student Development Center, where mathematics, computer, and study skills labs, as well as classrooms are equipped with the most recent technological teaching aids.


Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities (AA)

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