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Computer Engineering Technology

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AAS Degree – Code #1602

BS Degree - Code #1357

Dr. Maryam Nasri, Program Coordinator
Email address:

The computer engineering technology program will provide you with the cutting-edge industry knowledge and hands-on skills necessary to secure a career as an applied engineer capable of installing, designing, supporting, and maintaining computer systems and networks. This is an active, technically oriented program with a focus on computer system hardware and network infrastructure, as well as software development and operating systems. We’ve designed these degrees to prepare you for professional examinations leading to certifications such as the CompTIA A+ and Network+, Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA), Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).


  • Both AAS and BS programs are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,
  • In the first year of the program, students gain a foundation of knowledge in digital and electronic circuits followed by the development of skills in computer hardware, operating systems, and networking.

Program Student Learning Outcomes - AAS Degree

  1. An ability to apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to narrowly defined engineering technology activities.
  2. An ability to apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require limited application of principles but extensive practical knowledge.
  3. An ability to conduct standard tests and measurements, and to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments.
  4. An ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team.
  5. An ability to identify, analyze, and solve narrowly defined engineering technology problems.
  6. An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
  7. An understanding of the need for and an ability to engage in self-directed continuing professional development.
  8. An understanding of and a commitment to address professional and ethical responsibilities, including a respect for diversity.
  9. A commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.
  10. The application of electric circuits, computer programming, associated software applications, analog and digital electronics, microcomputers, operating systems, and local area networks to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of computer systems and associated software systems.
  11. The application of natural sciences and mathematics at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of computer systems and associated software systems.

Program Student Learning Outcomes - BS Degree

  1.  An ability to select and apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to broadly defined engineering technology activities.
  2. An ability to select and apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require the application of principles and applied procedures or methodologies.
  3. An ability to conduct standard tests and measurements; to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments; and to apply experimental results to improve processes.
  4. An ability to design systems, components, or processes for broadly defined engineering technology problems appropriate to program educational objectives.
  5. An ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team.
  6. An ability to identify, analyze, and solve broadly defined engineering technology problems.
  7. An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
  8. An understanding of the need for and an ability to engage in self-directed continuing professional development.
  9. An understanding of and a commitment to address professional and ethical responsibilities, including a respect for diversity.
  10. A knowledge of the impact of engineering technology solutions in a societal and global context.
  11. A commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.
  12. The application of electric circuits, computer programming, associated software applications, analog and digital electronics, microcomputers, operating systems, and local area networks to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of computer systems and associated software systems.
  13. The application of natural sciences and mathematics at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of computer systems and associated software systems.
  14. The ability to analyze, design, and implement hardware and software computer systems.
  15. The ability to apply project management techniques to computer systems.
  16. The ability to utilize statistics/probability, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential equations in support of computer systems and networks.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Program educational objectives were established with the assistance of the Industrial Advisory Committee and are reviewed periodically. The AAS in the computer engineering technology program produces graduates who:

  • Apply knowledge of mathematics and science using critical thinking and creative skills to solve computer engineering problems.
  • Function professionally with effective communication and with ethical responsibility as an individual and on a multidisciplinary team.
  • Continuously improve and engage in life-long learning and adapt to a technologically advancing society.
  • Apply knowledge of contemporary issues and anticipate the impact of computer engineering technology solutions on industry and the general public.
  • Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary to support computer engineering practice. 

The BS in computer engineering technology program will produce graduates who:

  • Apply knowledge of mathematics and science using critical thinking and creative skills to solve computer engineering problems.
  • Function professionally with effective communication and with ethical responsibility as an individual and on a multidisciplinary team.
  • Continuously improve and engage in life-long learning and adapt to a technologically advancing society.
  • Apply knowledge of contemporary issues and anticipate the impact of computer engineering technology solutions on industry and the general public.
  • Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary to support computer engineering practice. 
  • Design computer engineering systems, components or processes to meet industry needs.
  • Design computer engineering experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data to support the problem-solving process and project design. 

Direct Entry Into Baccalaureate Degree Programs

Alfred State computer engineering technology AAS graduates may enter directly into either the computer engineering technology BS, the interdisciplinary studies BTech, or technology management BBA degree program.

Continuing Education Opportunities

Graduates from the AAS computer engineering technology program are eligible to continue their education by enrolling in a baccalaureate program in computer engineering technology at Alfred State or elsewhere. Our computer engineering technology AAS two-year degree program is the same as the first two years of the computer engineering technology BS four-year program.

Occupational Opportunities

  • Computer network technician/technologist (2/4 years)
  • Software/web programmer and developer (4 years)
  • Electrical or electronics technician/technologist (2/4 years)
  • Communication Technologist (4 years)
  • Network administrator (4 years)
  • Cyber security technologist (4 years)
  • Embedded systems and robotics technician/technologist (2/4 years)

Employment Statistics

Employment and continuing education rate:

Computer engineering technology (AAS degree): 100 percent are employed.

Computer engineering technology (BS degree): 80 percent are employed.

Related Programs


The Bachelor of Science in computer engineering technology is recognized as a "professional degree" that qualifies for experience/education credit toward Professional Engineering (PE) licensure. Graduates from Alfred State's program are allowed six years of the required 12 years of education/experience credit, and are eligible to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE), formerly called Engineer-in-Training (EIT), examination upon graduation.

Entrance Requirements/recommendations (AAS)

Required: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2

Recommended: Physics

Entrance Requirements/Recommendations (BS)

Required: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2

Recommended: Physics

Office of Accessibility Services

Students who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to properly participate in this program may contact Melanie Ryan in the Office of Accessibility Services. This office may be contacted by email at  or by phone at 607-587-4506. Please keep in mind that some accommodations may take time to implement, so students seeking accommodations are encouraged to contact OAS as early as possible.

Graduation Requirements - AAS Degree

  • 62 semester credit hours in program as listed above
  • 25 semester credit hours of liberal arts and sciences
  • Four of 10 General Education areas
  • 2.0 or above cumulative grade point average
  • 2.0 or above grade point average in major courses (ELET, CISY)
  • Approval of department faculty.

 Graduation Requirements - BS Degree

  • 126 semester credit hours in eight-semester program
  • 60 semester credit hours of liberal arts and sciences
  • Seven of 10 General Education areas
  • Minimum 45 upper-division credit hours
  • Minimum 24 hours upper division in major
  • Minimum of 30 hours upper division in residence
  • 2.0 or above cumulative grade point average
  • 2.0 or above grade point average in major courses (BSET, CISY, ELET)
  • Approval of department faculty

Required Equipment

A tier 2 laptop computer is required for students in the computer engineering technology programs. Laptop specifications are available at Some courses may require specialized tools and/or electronic components. 

Computer Engineering Technology - AAS degree



CISY 1113 Computer Programming I 3
ELET 1202 Intro to Electrical Eng Tech 2
ELET 1133 Digital Logic 3
ELET 1111 Digital Logic Laboratory 1
COMP 1503 Freshman Composition 3
MATH 1033 College Algebra 3


CISY 2143 Microcomputer Systems I 3
ELET 1142 Electronic Fabrication 2
ELET 1103 Circuit Theory I 3
ELET 1151 Circuit Theory Laboratory 1
MATH 2043 College Trigonometry 3
GLST 2113 Global Perspectives:Spcl Topic 3


CISY 5123 Scientific Programming 3
ELET 2103 Electronics Theory I 3
ELET 2151 Electronics Laboratory I 1
ELET 2143 Embedded Controller Fundmtls 3
CISY 4033 Networking I 3
PHYS 1024 General Physics I 4


SPCH   1083   Effective Speaking (For AAS Degree)   3  







Effective Speaking Equivalent (For AAS Degree)


CISY 4053 Linux/Unix Admin and Scripting 3
MATH 1063 Technical Calculus I 3
PHYS 2023 General Physics II 3
LITR xxx3 Literature Elective (For BS Degree) 3
CISY or ELET xxx3 Technical Elective 3

If not required to take MATH 1033 and MATH 2043, take LAS elective to complete degree requirements of 3 credits; otherwise take free elective.

Computer Engineering Technology - BS Degree



ELET 5113 Electronic Communications 3
COMP 5703 Technical Writing II 3
MATH 2074 Technical Calculus II 4
SPCH 1083 Effective Speaking 3
SPCH xxx3 Effective Speaking Equivalent 3
XXXX xxx3 Major Elective


ELET 7404 Embedded & Real Time Systems 4
MATH xxx4 Other approved Math Elective - Upper 4
XXXX xxx3 Other approved Major Elective - Upper
XXXX xxx3 Other approved Major Elective - Upper
XXXX xxx3 Major Elective


BSET 7001 Senior Seminar & Project Des 1
MATH 7113 Economic Analy for Engr Tech 3
MATH 7123 Statistics for Engr Tech & Sci 3
PHYS 8013 Modern Physics 3
CHEM 5013 Applied Chemical Principles 3
XXXX xxx3 Other approved Major Elective - Upper


BSET 8003 Senior Technical Project 3
XXXX xxx3 Other approved Major Elective - Upper
XXXX xxx3 General Education Elective 3
XXXX xxx3 General Education Elective 3
XXXX xxx3 Other approved Major Elective - Upper 3

NOTE:  See elective sheet for four-year majors for Gen. Ed. and other types of electives.

Recommended Major Electives:

ELET 2124    Upper Major Electives (Continued)  
ELET 2163   CISY 5133
ELET 3103   CISY 5203
ELET 4154   CISY 5233
ELET 4224   CISY 5303
CISY 2133   CISY 5403
CISY 3193   CISY 5613
CISY 3223   CISY 6103
CISY 3283   CISY 6503
CISY 4003   CISY 6703
CISY  4063   CISY 7003
CISY 4283   CISY 7013
CISY 4423   CISY 7023
CISY 4723   CISY 7033
Upper Major Electives     CISY 7203
ELET 6004   CISY 8303
ELET 6143   CISY 8403
ELET 7104   CISY 8503
      ELET/CISY - Directed Study  

Be advised that a prior felony conviction may impede a student's ability to receive licensure.