Susan Gorman, Interim Program Coordinator
Email address:
The technology management BBA is designed to allow you to take your professional/technical
degree to new heights. We’ve constructed this program to provide you with the hands-on
business, administrative, and technological course work necessary to advance into
management and supervisory positions in your field. That means you’ll have the skills
necessary to run a small-to-medium-sized business, manage a department or a division,
or own and manage your own business.
In order to earn the bachelor’s degree, students entering the program with an earned associate degree must complete all specified upper-level requirements for the bachelor’s degree, fulfill all required prerequisites for upper-level courses, and earn a minimum of 60 credits beyond the associate degree. The student will take courses that will result in the fulfillment of seven SUNY General Education course areas.
Employment and continuing education rate of 100 percent – 85 percent are employed; 15 percent continued their education.
Business Administration |
Construction Management |
Construction Supervision |
Court & Realtime Reporting |
Healthcare Management |
Students who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to properly participate in this program may contact Melanie Ryan in the Office of Accessibility Services. This office may be contacted by email at or by phone at 607-587-4506. Please keep in mind that some accommodations may take time to implement, so students seeking accommodations are encouraged to contact OAS as early as possible.
A tier 1 laptop computer will be required of all students. See laptop specifications at
BUAD | 5003 | Management Communications | 3 |
ACCT | 5043 | Accounting Perspectives | 3 |
TMGT | 7153 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BUAD | 4403 | Business Computer Applications | 3 |
OR | |||
CISY | xxx3 | Computer Elective | 3 |
ECON | xxx3 | Macro or Microeconomics | 3 |
15 |
BUAD | 7023 | Legal Environment of Business | 3 |
BUAD | 6403 | Proj Mgmt for Busi Profssnls | 3 |
BUAD | 6113 | Strategic & Creative Prob Solv | 3 |
COMP | 5703 | Technical Writing II | 3 |
MKTG | 6003 | Strategic Marketing | 3 |
GLST | 2113 | Global Perspectives:Spcl Topic | 3 |
18 |
BUAD | 5043 | Business Ethics | 3 |
BUAD | 5023 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
TMGT | 7003 | Managing Tech & Innovation Cap | 3 |
SPCH | 1083 | Effective Speaking | 3 |
OR | |||
SPCH | xxx3 | Effective Speaking Equivalent | 3 |
XXXX | xxx3 | Gen. Ed. Natural Science | 3 |
XXXX | xxx3 | Gen. Ed. Elective | 3 |
18 |
TMGT | 8112 | Tech Management Internship | 12 |
OR | |||
XXXX | xxx3 | Professional Elective - Upper | 3 |
XXXX | xxx3 | Professional Elective - Upper | 3 |
XXXX | xxx3 | Professional Elective - Upper | 3 |
XXXX | xxx3 | Professional Elective - Upper | 3 |
12 |
Students seeking permission to take four upper-level classes in lieu of completing an internship must submit an appeal form with their justification, along with a faculty member's statement of support. Internship appeal forms should be emailed or hand-delivered to the department secretary and will be reviewed by Business Department faculty. Appeal forms are due no later than Oct. 15 for the fall semester and March 15 for the spring semester.
Be advised that a prior felony conviction may impede a student's ability to participate in an internship.
All students are required to complete an end-of-program exam. This exam will be taken in the capstone course for the student’s specific program in TMGT 7003 Managing Technology & Innovation Capstone. The end-of-program exam will also be considered an assignment in the capstone course. The benefit of taking the end-of-program exam is to test the student’s knowledge at the time of graduation. Students may include the progress from the end-of-program exams on their resume. Taking the end-of-program exam will have some fees, which are currently $45 per exam. Exams will be taken once and they will impact the student’s capstone course grade by 5%. Please refer to the syllabi for the relevant capstone course to know the grading scale for the end-of-program exam.
The end-of-program exams are required, not optional.
Information on how to take the exams will be given in the course prior to the end-of-program exam.
How should I prepare for the assessment exam?
The comprehensive end-of-program exam covers topics taught throughout the degree program, which are aligned to the topics required for accreditation. The preparation for the exam comes from your educational experience with the school, specifically through the required courses for your degree. The exam assesses the foundational knowledge areas for your discipline.
Learn about specific knowledge areas tested (pdf).
2017-18 Summary (pdf)